About Knitting Your First Project
What is it that enchants and impassions those of who knit. I find there is something very calming and centering when I am focus on a pattern. The needles turning the yarn into a fabric is like magic.
I was always the knitter learning at a very early age. I learnt to spin yarn so I could make those fancy yarns for my knitting. Now my passion is the fine spinning with my natural fibre.
My knitting projects often come from one of the animals that have grown on our property and so the term “paddock to product” and being able to give a pedigree to my top range knitting give a sense of satisfaction.
Knitting has cast on, knit, purl, and cast off. All other construction is just a variations of these initial stitches and then practice, practice and still more practice.
There are a number of differing ways of holding needles and yarn to achieve your project. Join us in learning to knit, starting your first project will give you the visual confidence to learn the basics and fly…