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Difference between Cashmere Mohair and Alpaca Fibre

What is the difference between Cashmere Mohair and Alpaca Fibre – Yarn – Wool

Alpaca fibre comes from the Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

Alpacas are usually kept for the production of their luxurious fleece, however they can also be kept as adorable pets. Alpacas are gentle and friendly by nature and becoming very popular with hobby farmers and animal lovers alike. Hobby farm enthusiasts often have a variety of animals including two or three Alpacas on their rural properties. It is not uncommon for hobby farm owners to peruse interests involving art and crafts using Alpaca and other animal fibres, for example; spinning their own yarn from fleece, Crochet, knitting, weaving and other craft hobbies. CHRISTAN Farm runs workshops to learn the skills of  Alpaca farming as well as Craft classes.

The Alpaca is a llama-like domestic Camelid (Camelid family) with soft pads instead of hoofs.

Alpaca fibre is the fashion industry’s newest discovery in luxury. The difference between Cashmere Mohair and Alpaca Fibre is the luxurious texture of Alpaca fibre being the tender softness on bare skin, so soft in fact, its easy to forget you are wearing it. Alpaca Fibre is naturally warm, comforting and light-weight, the most indulgent fibre money can buy.

Alpaca fibre is fast becoming the world’s most luxuriously fibre

Designers are being wooed by as well as seeking out smaller producers for their ability to control breeding where the highest quality fleece is guaranteed to be authentic.

Mainstream fibre, the differences and where they come from

Cashmere comes from a Goat

Cashmere is the fine de-haired undercoat fibres produced by a Cashmere Goat (Capra hircus laniger) and this fibre should have a maximum diameter of 19 microns.

Cashmere Goats are an Asiatic domestic Goat bred to produce cashmere fibre.

All goats except for Angora goats produce two coats of fibre, the top visible coat which is a coarse layer of outer hairs covering the body, and a secondary fine downy undercoat which is thick short and close to the skin hidden from initial view by the top out hair covering.
Goats hair grows at a moderate speed and is shed seasonally.

When the Angora Goat’s fine downy undercoat is less than 19 microns in diameter, low in luster, and has a good crimp, it is considered to be cashmere.

China produces approximately 60-70% of the world’s Cashmere the other 30-40% is produced by the other Asian countries.

Mohair comes from a Goat

Mohair is the fabric or yarn made from the hair of Angora goats.
South Africa produces more than 60% percent of the world’s mohair in recent years production in South Africa has been approximately 5 million kg per year.

Alpaca fibre is one of the most expensive and indulgent in the world.

Quality Alpaca fibre is becoming one of the most sought after luxurious fibres in the world of fashion.
CHRISTAN Designer and artist manages production personally breeding for the highest quality of fleece, CHRISTAN products are certified as Authentic, personally designed and hand made from the beginning, straight from the animals on the land to you. each product comes with a pedigree from the actual animal that your product was made from. No product or fleece is alike, each one being hand crafted with skill mastery.



















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